I’m off…

to Nashville. Have a cocoa and carols sort of weekend. And think good thoughts like these while you’re at it:

Earth strike up your music,

Birds that sing and bells that ring,

Heaven hath answering music,

For all Angels soon to sing.

Earth put on your whitest,

Bridal robe of spotless snow,

For Christmas bringeth Jesus,

Brought for us so low.

-Christina Rossetti


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3 responses to “I’m off…

  1. Sunshine

    Happy and safe travels. Oh how I love your blog – what a blessing! Sunshine

  2. Sarah! Phyllis just told me about your new book and I just ordered it! I am so excited to get it. I had no idea you were writing it. I had recently asked Phyllis and Candice for a list of good books to read Riley and future kids. I can’t wait to read yours and see all your suggestions. Miss you dear friend. Enjoy Nashville and enjoy those Colorado mountains once you are back home.

  3. Hi Sarah! I just wanted to say “thank you” for your book. I only this afternoon received it, but am already working through the first chapters.

    Isn’t it always incredible how God works? I had no idea that your book would arrive today, nor did I know how much I would need the encouragement it brought – but both happened, and I praise God for it.

    As a Mama to two little ones, a constant struggle for me is the mundane – how to deal with the laundry, dishes, diapers and such, while keeping my own spirit full of inspiration, peace and vision so that my little ones grow up with those things. Your book is giving me some courage and some hope…to expose myself and my boys to great stories, great ideas, and not settle for anything less.

    Coincidentally – well, I mean Providentially! – I am reading through your Father’s book (H.D.) so there is a double blessing. Knowing that the things I read from him have now passed on to you…it gives me great, great hope to persevere, to not settle for the mediocre for our family.

    So, thanks =)
    Many blessings to you this Christmas!

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